Do You Remember The Time

This is Heather, my best friend since the second grade when her giant-ass family moved to Sumner.*PS I'm not implying her family consists of people with giant asses, only that there are so many people in the family the sheer number of asses, regardless of size, is vast.* We have been through anything and everything you can imagine. She lives down south so I never get to see her which, as far as I'm concerned, is an unbearable tragedy. Here are a few of my favorite memories over the years.

* Singing "Unchained Melody" at the top of our lungs on the school bus on afternoon. It really sounded like we were drunk, and we knew this...but did not care.

* Watching Speed every afternoon after school, and being able to recite every word.

* The Star Wars skit we performed for her mom and her video camera. Luke, I am your father! No! No! It had hand motions and imaginary Lea hair and everything. It was sa-weet.

* Dressing like the girls from Clueless and trying to talk like them. We even made a little dictionary of the phrases from the film and would put them into our conversations and notes.

* Walking through the 96.5 KJR Seattle haunted house behind these two other teen girls. We followed close enough that they were the ones that had everything happen to them. They had the people jump out, the things fly out at them, it was awesome. until some guy in a Jason mask with a chainsaw blocked them in a corner. We actually stood there for about 30 seconds, waiting for them to be let loose so we could continue to follow them, however the chainsaw guy knew what we were up to, so held them in the corner and wouldn't let them go, making us go first. Then it was less awesome, and more terrifying.

Awww, I miss my Stawberry Alarm Clock! We need to get together soon!


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