
This guy is just absolutely amazing. I am not generally a fan of "beach pictures." I like the beach, desperately want to be laying on a beach, pina colada in hand but in terms of nature, I am a mountains/lake kind of a girl all the way. Call it a true Washingtonian perogative.
Sometime last year I was watching Good Morning America while getting ready for work, and they interviewed this photographer named Clark Little. He specializes in tropical photos taken "inside the wave." What he does, is stand on the shore and basically waits around with his underwater camera to get pummeled by a giant wave, and then starts snapping. There are some pretty cool shots on his website, which is where I pulled these from.
The only downside is that his pictures are quite expensive, so it will be awhile before I can create a wall of cool shots in my home. I guess there is a 2nd downside too, in that they are all so amazing, it's hard to pick a favorite. Mine seems to change everytime he updates the gallery!