Clip, Clip, Clip

Everyone likes to give me crap about my couponing...I believe I have heard the phrase "coupon obsession" uttered a few times, however, it is my belief that there is no reason to pay full price for something when you don't have to. Coupons are free money and it takes me 30-60 minutes on Sunday morning to clip, organize and make my list for the week, which I usually accomplish while watching something cheesy on tv. And that 30-60 minutes can "earn" me anywhere from 40-70% off of items I need or will need in the future. To me, it seems almost silly to not coupon.

Anyways, I had to pick up garbage bags today, so stopped by Rite Aid, where thanks to my handy dandy scissoring skills, I purchased all of this and paid $10 out of pocket! Go me!


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