Chicken Pox and Cabinets

I scanned in a lot of old photos and posted them on facebook tonight for a fun look back. As its the 10 year anniversary of our high school graduation it's kind of fun to see everyone when they were still young and remember certain events, stories and people.

One photo that I didn't post to my facebook account was this one, the photo my mom took of me when I had chicken pox in the 2nd grade. The photo itself has obviously seen better days however the best part of it is the cabinet in front of me. My mom used to have her gravy boat and various salt and pepper shakers and other ceramics and pottery on the shelves.

I had this game I liked to play whenever I was bored. I would start at the other end of the house, near my parents bedroom and take off running down the hall, past the other bedrooms, the bathroom, through the living room, turn at the dining room and slide across the kitchen floor in my socks. I would slam into that cabinet HARD and, in an attempt to stay standing, grab on for my life. Usually though, the force of the hit would be too much and not only would I end up on the ground, I would pull the cabinet on top of me, breaking most of the pottery.

The first couple of times my parents were very concerned that I was okay. The rest of the times (and there were many) they could give a crap less about their cute youngest child and were just pissed off I kept breaking items on the cabinet. I can very vividly recall the last time I did it and my mother running over to me "DAMMIT JAMIE!!!! STOP DOING THAT!" haha, even now I like to give them a hard time about not having any concern for their daughter and they still don't apologize.


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