There She Blows

Consider this a PSA on Shaving Cream Safety.

While cleaning my bathroom this afternoon I was wiping off the bottles of various items-body wash, shampoo, face wash etc.- to put back into the shower. I got to the canister of shaving cream when I noticed the bottom of the can was a little yucky (technical term) so was wiping that off when I touched the black stopper located on the bottom.


Shaving cream exploded out of the hole in the middle of the stopper and all over me, my face, my hair, my front. *Insert inappropriate joke about a soldier returning from a long deployment, a teenage boy or someone recently released from prison here.* Luckily I was wearing my glasses so didn't get that much foam in my eyes but did get some in them and it burns. A lot. At least now we all know not to touch the stopper, shaving cream is not a toy.


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