But the water is still so blue!

Apparently, the shipping Gods have decided to mess with me once again. This time, a package arrived for me in a box. A box that was flattened and taped on either end. The return sender had hand-written "me paradise" in the corner of the label.


The first thing that I thought of was the classic children's book "Are you there God, it's me Margaret" except, instead of a pre-teen religiously confused girl who wants boobies, my package was sent by Paradise, that little piece of heaven with sun, sand, mojitos and shiny, chiseled men. I open it up to find a calendar I had ordered for one of the guys at work from Mead publications entitled "Paradise." Oh. It all makes sense now.

So I instant message Jason and tell him his calendar has arrived. "You've made my day," he responds, to which I write back "No, I've technically made your year." And then I laugh and laugh at how clever and witty I am.

Later, he came to pick up his calendar and we started flipping through the months, looking at each of the pictures. One of them was taken in Fiji and showcased the famous huts built on piers extending out into the crystal blue waters of the Pacific. Being an engineer, his first thought was "I don't see any pipes, wonder where they shit?" I laughed and was like "In the ocean. But honestly, I would be happy to poop in the ocean if it meant being in Fiji." He readily agreed and we spent a couple of moments talking about where to poop while visiting his parents in Hondurus.

Have to say, it was a very strange conversation for a Friday morning.

On another note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER!!!!


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