Dos Amigas

Tonight was the final dos amigas, a fairly regular tradition where Amanda and I get together, make dinner, watch tv and whine and laugh. But for some reason, being the Mexican bitchita she is, she decided she would rather move to stupid Eastern Washington than carry on a time honored tradition.

I made her tell me what to keep and what to give away to Goodwill in my clothes trunk while we watched American Idol and Lost. She ended up stealing two of my favorite old bras but I suggested she wait before telling Charley where she got them haha. Men seem to think women sharing things like bras that don't fit anymore is weird. I think men buying 60" HD TVs when the couch is 5 feet away is weird so we are even.

After I got the keepers back in the trunk we started going through my old yearbooks that were laying on the table (thanks to living with the head of the reunion planning committee). It was probably funnier for me than her but the fact I wrote all over my jr. high yearbooks cracked her up just the same. I have people highlighted that were my friends and people crossed out with "bitch" and other nasty things in sharpie. There were two classic comments that topped all others though, both involving the world news that was published in the back of all our district yearbooks.

1. There was a picture of OJ Simpson and one of his lawyers from the year he was on trial for killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. I had circled OJ and written "GUILTY" in big black marker. But I had also circled his lawyer and written "Fag!" with an arrow pointing to him. I don't actually remember thinking anything about his lawyers ever, other than Johnny Cochran is full of shit, but apparently I had quite the opinion about his defense team!

2. In the sports section of the world news was a picture and little story about a new up and coming golfter named Tiger Woods. Perhaps you've heard of him? Anyways, I had taken a silver sharpie and wrote "My True Love". My first true love at the time was Alex Rodriguez who I believe was still playing for the Rainiers but I thought he was muey caliente. (Side note: if at 13 or 14 these were the men that made my heart go pitter patter I might have discovered why I'm still single...apparently I like the douchebags.) Anyways, I cracked up and told Amanda she was going to lose her shit when I showed her what I was laughing about. She grabbed the yearbook and took off with her phone to snap a picture. Naturally I had to chase after her, and this resulted in a battle with her in the kitchen and me in the hallway, when she made a mad dash into my bedroom and into my bathroom where I caught up with her before she had a chance to close the bathroom door and snap the pic. Thank goodness she was wearing socks and slid on the wood floor in the kitchen! Of course I just told everyone about it here on the blog so didn't save myself any embarrassment. So might as well post the picture, right?

It's good to know the final Dos Amigas was at least a memorable one :)


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