
The tacky fish crap just won't leave me alone!!!

So, after calling UPS the other day, the driver came by at 7:30 that night and picked up the box (hooray!). The next night, however, someone else from UPS came by at 9:00pm and said he was the guy I spoke with on the phone and he just lived down the road so thought he would come by after work and pick up the package.

I told him the driver had come by and picked it up the night before and so he mosied along (side note: i really think we should use the term "mosey" more often). I thought that was the end of it. I was wrong.

Today, I got home and checked the mail. In it, I found a postcard from UPS which says: "On February 18, 2010, we received a package for you from MACY'S #610. We are unable to complete delivery because: APARTMENT NUMBER NEEDED, NOT DELIVERED. Please pick up your package at the above address. The package will be returned to the sender on 25 FEB 2010."

Seriously? Seriously?? Send it back. I dare ya!


bethygil said…
Uhhhh how did they send you a postcard "without your apt number" but they couldn't deliver the package...and also, is it regarding the same fish crap or are they trying to send you another package...cause maybe this time it is something that isn't tacky!!!!

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