My favorite numbers are 1 2 3

My Aunt gets all sorts of weird crap. I'm not exactly sure where she obtains it-she might purchase it (maybe for her grandkids?) but throughout the years, several items have filtered down the family tree and made their way into my hands.

Now, I like tacky things to a point. I have a tiny wooden butler greeting visitors in the foyer of my apartment. There is a light-up Welcome to Las Vegas sign on my desk at work. I have a picture frame in the shape of 1950's glasses covered in fake jewels, given to me as a birthday present one year. The key to tacky is moderation. You need to sprinkle tacky throughout the home, surrounded by normal items. And at no point should you have a tacky fish platter or matching salt and pepper shakers from Macy's!!!

This is the newest addition from my aunt. She technically gave it to my father, who, in turn, passed it on to me. I have no idea why he wouldn't want a guarenteed shot at the lottery, but his loss is my $441 Million Powerball gain!

P.S. It's extra creepy cause it's mouth moves.


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