What a View



So last season our Sounders season tickets were in the worst section in the entire stadium. Our section was filled with losers. Losers who apparently had two broken legs and suffered from laryingitis and a fear that if they clapped or cheered it would awaken demon spirits from Pandora's box. So we moved.

We are in a much more fun section this year. People stand for all 90 minutes, they are loud and rambunctious. They jump up and down, clapping rythmically with the drum. The nice thing is my seat is on the very end of a row, and the row in front of us starts one seat over, so there is noone sitting in front of me, so when I get dizzy and start feeling sick (like today) or am just plain lazy, I can sit down and still see everything going on on the pitch.

Except for the one minor detail that would be the jackasses in front of me. For some reason the 4 pompous alcoholics who sit in seats 1-4 one row closer to the field feel that standing in front of their own actual seats would be too difficult, so ever so slowly migrate closer and closer to the aisle and in front of me. I hate them.

I actually had a moment where I thought about "accidently" spilling my drink all over them. I had the whole thing worked out in my mind, how I was going to "trip" and how I would throw the bottle into the section so it would cover all of them, even down to the big nosed ugly lady "in" seat 4. The only thing that prevented me from starting a Qwest Field riot was the fact I was standing there with my dad, who would frown upon that sort of thing. Parents can be such a buzzkill.


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