Happy Birthday!

I was so excited yesterday about The Great Staples Falicy that I kind of skimmed over my mother's birthday. Since she taught me better than that, today's post is just for her.

So once again, Happy Birthday Mom!!!

My mom is the best mother that's ever lived, not that I'm biased or anything. She is nice and kind. Always giving, very warm-hearted (unless she is hungry or tired, and then she is some kind of crazed banshee and it's best to find a table or chair you can hide behind until she passes by). She is also quite funny in her own right, but noone let her know or she'll tell more jokes about mustard or about me giving her grandchildren (though that last one might not be a joke...). Plus she knows a lot of my secrets (including that one thing I made her do in the McDonald's parking lot that one time, but we don't talk about that).

Bottom line is I love my mom very much and hope she had the best birthday ever!


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