Excuse me waiter, there's a husband on my tv

So I'm sure everyone is a bit sick of the Sounders pictures. And, although I aim to please, I'm really only interested in pleasing myself so you all are just gonna have to deal! :) (Hmm. That kind of sounded dirty. I didn't really mean it that way.)
Today was the kind of day Ice Cube sang about only with fewer derogatory Goodyear blimp messages and references to guns. I live in Seattle, not South Central afterall. (Is it just me or does blimp look weird? It's kind of a weird word in general. Blimp. Bli-mp. Bliiiimp.)
I got to get up early and drive into Seattle where I sat in a tiny studio in the back (really should have actually worn Sounders gear so I would have made it on the telly)(I also feel like this blog could use some more parantheses.)(But maybe that's just me.) and watch my husband be interviewed for the new local show. You can view some of the interview here. The tickets said something about how no pictures were allowed to be taken during the taping, only before and afterwards, and I didn't realize that Freddie would stay and answer questions and hand out autographs, so didn't bother bringing my camera, instead, opting for a cute, tiny purse with only the essentials. I guess I could have snapped a photo with my phone but with fluffy humidity hair(thank you Seattle rain)and the fear that I might spontaneously combust if I actually touched him, it's probably best that I didn't.
Nothing groundbreaking was covered both during the taping or afterwards, he is really quite good at evading the personal questions, but he is quietly funny and pocket-sized adorable so I think I'll keep him!