The Princess and the (coco)Nut

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess in a faraway town on the west coast of the USA. She was humble princess, a giving princess. She was loved by all.

One day this princess, whom we will call Ramie, was lazing about while looking through advertisements brought to her by an inconsequential servent paper boy. Suddenly, Princess Ramie arose from her comfy seat, overcome with shock and excitement over what was laid out before her on the page. It was a product like no other! It seemed that some magically inclined being had merged two snacks together, forming a hybrid known as the coconut M&M. What wizard had created such a masterpiece?

Princess Ramie knew she must have these coconut M&Ms at once and called up the all-knowing, all-seeing soothsayer Google of Mountain View to show her where they may be obtained. Sadly, Google of Mountain View told Princess Ramie:

"You ask for treats of coconut,
mixed with chocolate candy but,
this is no happy, tasty rhyme,
they only come at summertime!"

Princess Ramie was devestated, as were her ladies-in-waiting, Tannon and Siane. Court Food Critic Marrie was not fond of coconut, so continued to flit about with her plantain chips and Skittleth candies. *Side note: Marrie would eventually be found guilty of treason and banished from the court for 4 months. As part of her punishment, she would also have to take another screaming babe into her home. Muwahaha.*

One day, Princess Ramie was frolicking in her local apothecary when, what was this? Could it be? It was! The elusive coconut M&Ms had migrated back to the sea-faring town! Princess Ramie, being the generous and benevolent soul that she was, immeadiately ran back to Castle Fishbowlestshire and shared with Tannon and some random Court Jesters. She was willing to share with Siane, but she had given up chocolate for 30 days.

The End


Anonymous said…
oh what drama that happens in Fishbowletshire!

signed, siane
bethygil said…
Did you read the ingredients though? I believe there isn't actually any coconut in them...unlike cheetos, where this is cheese powder...

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