Yep, that just happened


It's a good thing I got over my temporary rain phobia because Saturday was a kick in the pants. (I threw that old timey expression in there so a certain "29-year-old" would feel right at home reading my blog. You've gotta throw the old timers a bone every once in awhile.) Shannon's husband Tim and dearly departed Amanda joined us at the game, which made it hysterical as they are both drunks. Side-achingly funny drunks, but glug glug none the less.

Everyone was concerned about the clouds that showed up late afternoon, so Tim made it a point to dig around and find some ponchos he had. Finally, someone who is a bigger rain wuss than me and Shannon! He's my kind of people! Well, he was my kind of people until he placed the rolled up ponchos strategically under his jacket after the game and rubbed up against Amanda and I, doing a little drunk dance. Then, him and Amanda proceeded to sashay down the ramp, swinging their hips so far left to right it would have made Ricky Martin proud.

On the way into the game however, we got seperated from Amanda, who luckily had her ticket and was able to find her way to the seats while I went in search of a Top Pot donut ($3 for a stone cold, wrapped donut??? WTF!?!?) and Shannon and Tim tried to spice up their marriage by purchasing matching lime green jerseys. Nothin says love like coordinating neon. Amanda quickly made friends with the people behind us, including a short Asian man who handed her some saltines and called her a cracker (Don't judge me, I didn't say it, heck I wasn't even there!) It's okay though, he wasn't wasn't really the sharpest tool in the shed as his idea of insults hurled at the refs included the classic "No! Bad touch!" At least Amanda's "I hope you get a rash!" and "That made my ovaries hurt!" added some spice to the game, although something about the vodka at my house or the tequilla at the bar made Amanda convinced she smelled churros, and she berated every single vendor that walked by the entire 90 minutes.

The line of the night though definately came around 30 minutes into the game when my husband made an awesome corner kick and Shannon said something about it being awesome and him feeling better. Amanda responded with "Yeah, I gave him some nookie before the game." I kind of just looked at her shocked, when Shannon informed her she was talking to me. Amanda just shrugged and said "oh. Yeah I gave him some nookie too." We laughed and Shannon goes "Yep. That just happened." Hmm, typing this out I realize that most of it was hilarious at the time but not so funny to other people...oh well!

After the game we walked over to Pyramid. I went into the restroom and was fixing my hair when a lady walked in and asked if that was my empty wine glass on the ledge. I said no, but that I thought it was funny someone had to take it into the restroom with them. She laughed and agreed and walked into the stall, still laughing. A lot. Haha. Hahaha. Hahaha. Ha. and then...well....

I will let you all draw your own conclusions about this one. So she is in the stall for about 10 sconds when I hear her say "Oh my God." I'm thinking, well this girl obviously had a churro at the stadium, I've gotta get out of here while my nose is still innocent. "Oh my god." Silence. "Oooh my Goood" Uhhhh. "Oooh. Oooh my God." I booked it out of there, hair unfinished, realizing too little too late that it was my ears that would lose their innocence that night.

I get back to the table as Tim is heading outside to smoke. He comes in a few minutes later with a couple in tow, walks straight up to Shannon and grabs her boobs. "This is my wife, do you think we could hide booze in her boobs," he asks the lady. The three of them then proceed to have a 5 minute conversation about boobs and booze, while her boyfriend/husband/male cousin/whatever, stands behind, looking as shocked and confused as Amanda and I on the other side of the table.

Definately need to get this foursome together for another game. When else can you end the evening racing another car in the I-90 tunnel while Amanda threatens to moon the car (which was on MY side) and me protesting because "I really don't want your naked ass that close to my face!"


Anonymous said…
This is some funny sh*t! ( I censored myself for the PG enjoyment of others who may be reading your awesome BLOG!) Can't wait to go to a game. I forget when I am going for the first one... Better keep that in mind.

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