No Way Jose

Single people should never make tacos.

The problem isn't in the making of the tacos. They are quick, cheap and easy. The problem is that it's impossible to split the recipe, thereby forcing you to eat tacos for the rest of your natural life or until you get so annoyed, you banish the items to the back of the fridge and wait until they produce penicillin that you can hawk on the black market.

And I'm sure some of you are going to say, well why not just use 1/2 lb of meat instead? But, dear readers, you cannot do that because then you would have to split the spice packet of taco seasoning and can of tomato sauce and that confusion can only lead to taco pandemonium.

Nope, the only surefire way to avoid total chaos is to make the normal amount and suffer through the endless days of Mexican overload that follow.



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