Let's All Go to the Movies

I went with my oldest sister to see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo today. I had given her the book for Christmas, in the hopes of making her a convert to the Swedish literary cult. It really didn't take much. As soon as she read it she understood.

We both were very excited to see it and it was nice that it was playing on the eastside so we didn't have to go all the way downtown to the ghetto. Getting shot at and having my car stolen while watching a movie doesn't really seem like a good time to me. Call me crazy.

We both really enjoyed it, even if it was all in Swedish. The funniest part was prior to the show, the girl from the theater came in to do her little speil and someone in the audience actually asked "Are there subtitles?" Reggie and I just looked at each other and were like "No, we all just know Swedish."

I'm not really going to go too far into it, as I know other people are anxious to see it, but I do want to say that I wasn't too happy with the casting of a few of the characters, most notably Salander and Erika Berger, but all in all I liked the movie, even if I had to read it. I would give it 4/5 stars.


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