Oh Canada

I went up to Langley, B.C. today with my friend Bethany and her family to visit the new LDS temple. It was exciting for me simply because I fully realize that will be the only time in my life I'll ever get to see the inside of a Mormon temple. As someone who loves to explore different subsets of culture, it was fascinating to walk through something that is, once "Mormonized", completely off limits to the general public (and a good portion of their own church). (I also don't know what the ceremony is called that turns the temple from "open to the public" to "sacred" so "Mormonized" it is.)

The drive up was actually pretty fun, even if it meant I had to get up at 6am to be at their house by 7. On a Saturday. A day when I fully believe 7am should not exist. The best part was as we approached the border the conversation turned to who in their family snored. Bethany swore she didn't snore, but Eric wasn't having any of that, so, using a radio connector, turned on this smart phone and played a snippet of the recording he made one morning of her snoring.

Once at the temple we watched a video showing why temples are important in their religion before heading over and taking a tour of it. I do have to say that it is absolutely gorgeous inside. You can tell no expense is spared when constructing and decorating it. There are amazing fabrics and chandeliers in every room. This one had a ton of art, both religious and nature-oriented but Bethany said that it was unusual to have that much art.

I am really glad that I went and was able to walk through and experience it. Did I take anything away from it theogically? No. It really feels more like a grand estate than a "church". As someone who is not religious (I prefer the term "faithful"), I can walk through a grand cathedral or country church and feel a connection to God. This definately did not have that pull towards a bigger purpose to me, but my experience is mine alone. What Bethany and Eric took away was very different as, I'm sure, other non-LDS members who went to explore something unknown.

After the tour we went out to lunch at this local italian place. It's amazing we made it there in one piece as Bethany thought driving the van across 3 lanes of traffic and screeching into the parking lot was appropriate. They did have this warm, fresh bread they brought out with amazing balsamic and oil. We had their daughter try it and she held her hands up and yelled out "Shit!" Bethany and I just looked at each other and laughed. "What did you just say????" Bethany asked her. "Sick!" Sophie repeated again. Ooooooh. Much better.


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