Savin' to the Oldies


I apparently got a really good deal on all the stuff pictured here.

I couldn't really tell you what I paid or break down how I did it (though I can tell you, it was with coupons!).

This is probably why you aren't supposed to wait 8 days to post blogs while in the midst of a project like mine. Oops.

And it's probably not an effective way to convince you all to coupon as truth be told I put the chips in my pantry and had completely forgotten about them until this evening when I just posted this. But, in my defense, what a way to diet!

Step 1: Buy crappy food, like chips, for cheap.
Step 2: Put in pantry.
Step 3: Forget about chips.
Step 4: Exercise. Lots of exercise (and water).
Step 5: Lose weight.
Step 6: Look so great in skinny jeans you don't feel the slightest bit upset at the money (albeit TINY bit of money) spent on crappy food, like chips.


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