
As your body grows bigger
Your mind grows flowered
It's great to learn
Cause knowledge is power!

It's Schoolhouse Rocky
That chip off the block
Of your favorite schoolhouse
Schoolhouse Rock!

And now, a mathmatical equation:

What do you get when you combine 2 girls + a sunny Friday afternoon + hand-dipped ice cream bars from Costco?

Two very whiney girls in need of a nap.

But really, can you blame them? It was a big day. They had a lot of excitement, what with getting to ride in the car, walking all around Costco and then topped it off with a giant ice cream hand-dipped just for them! I bet they sleep really well tonight!

*Somehow I get the feeling this post will result in a future picture of the day blog entitled "This is why we don't make fun of the blondes."


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