The List

I'm in the middle of a big spring cleaning. My parents are having a garage sale sometime in the next month or so, and with moving in 4 months, I thought what better time to go through every drawer, every closet, every nook and cranny and clean out the junk? I've gotten to the point where I'm going through all of my old papers and files (which is much harder than one would think) and found, scratched on the back of an email, a list.

rubber gloves
noise makers
feather boa


I don't have any idea why I ever would have written down such an odd assortment of items and, to my recollection, I have never worn a feather boa and rubber gloves while reading a newspaper at night, though there are a few nights between 18 and 22 that are a bit blurry (glug, glug).

The email on the other side is not any help either, as it is just a regular email between me and a friend with no mention of pranks, dressing up, or random get together that requires a newspaper.

Sometimes my life is so weird.


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