It's Just a Jump to the Left

Heather with Frankenfurter, who is just a sweet transvestite.

Highlights of the evening:

* Walking into the bathroom and seeing a framed collage of photos from I Love You to Death, a movie filmed in Tacoma and starring Kevin Klein, Keanu Reeves, Tracy Ulman and River Phoenix and which has great fondness for Amanda and I after having every person in our motel in Long Beach tell us it was the best movie ever. It is not.

* Watching an out of shape audience member in a too-tight, too-short dress bend over, grab her ankles and in the process show her hoo-hah to those of us not standing on the stage. Some surprises should not be had.

* Watching an out of shape cast member unwrap her too-tight, too-short wrap dress, revealing her black bustier and tiny boobs with foil Oriental Trading Co. shamrock "pasties" attempt to dance around seductively. Perhaps she did not receive the memo about surprises.

* Getting pelted with cups and cups of rice thrown "up and back" (house rules). About 1/4 Cup ended up in my shirt and down the bra. I spent most of The Time Warp trying to get it out, but there was still some in there when I took off my bra and went to sleep the next morning.

* Watching Rif Raf attack Rocky with a saxaphone as fire is prohibited in the theater.

* Strategically throwing my toast to hit the obnoxious douche sitting in the row behind me.

* Heather looking up from her split toast with big, sad eyes, "I broke my toast," followed by hysterical giggling, her snorting, and more laughing.

* Scotty-too-hotty as Frankenfurter. Awesome.

* Spending the entire drive home talking about jo-jos. Jo-jos are "scotty-too-hotty" awesome. Especially at 3 am :)


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