Frugal or Frickin' Awesome????

I kick ass!

Thanks to my coupon obsession, I just purchased $103.36 worth of products for essentially $18.55, after rebates. That's right, I paid a mere 17% of retail price just by owning scissors! It was a little bit more than I had calculated beforehand but I accidently grabbed a product that was a little more expensive and lost my $2.50 off mascara coupon so ended up paying full price for 1 of the 2 mascaras, but honestly I can't complain too much :) It is the only part of the 4 Cover Girl makeup I paid for after all.

$30.55 Out of Pocket
$12.00 Rebates
Actual Total: $18.55

One downfall of couponing though, is that I really don't have the room to stockpile all of these items so I am feeling very disorganized in my bathroom. With the addition of 3 John Freida and 2 Pantene Shampoo & conditioners purchased today I am up to 5 extra shampoo and 3 extra conditioner. I also have shoved 2 boxes of hair dye ($1.99 each-score!) and 4 bottles of sunscreen/aloe vera under my sink.

I feel like one of those crazy people that go on that show, Obsessed or Obsession? You know, about the crazy hoarders? But honestly, I don't have to buy detergent (you all know I love me some Purex 3-in-1) or hair care supplies for months and months, and got it all for a fraction of the price non-couponers pay. Go ahead and laugh while i clip those coupons, I will laugh at you while you pay $103.36 + tax! Muwahahaha.


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