One Day Only at the Bon Marche

Yesterday's obsession was fruit, today's is Macys, which I still slip up and refer to as "The Bon" from time to time. I have to say it bugs the crap out of me when people correct me when I do that. You know what store I'm talking about, I know what store I am talking about, there is no reason to interrupt what I'm sure is an utterly fascinating story about shopping to correct my choice of store names.

But regardless of what it is called this week, I love it. I have never, and will never pay full price for anything there as it will inevitably be on sale 30 days later..which is really the full reason I love it. Well, that and they do tend to have great customer service. And return policies. And they ship me boxes of tacky fish crap and then have UPS stalk me for weeks over it.

Okay, maybe that last one belongs on the cons list...


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