Jars o' Spice

Aren't these the cutest things you ever did see?

Okay, yeah, me either. But they are cute and I love 'em.

I saw these spice jars at Anthropologie just before my birthday so told a few people I wanted them and then sat back and waited for them to prove how much they love me. I ended up with 8 of the 10 so not too shabby!

Of course I waited around too long to actually order the other 2 so when I finally went to check last week, they were no longer offered on the websites. A quick call to the stores in Washington revealed I was screwed. So I emailed customer service to ask if they had any left in stock that just weren't up on the website for any reason, but after about an hour decided I didn't want to wait for an email response so called the 1-800 number. I was able to make an order over the phone (seriously, when is the last time anyone had to order something over the phone? It was weird.) but the woman informed me that #8 and #9 had only 1 of each in stock, so she would place the order but if some hoochie had ordered before me, the order would be cancelled. I then spent the next two days watching for evidence that the order had gone through, and plotting ways to have a spice jar smackdown with some anonymous twat who had called in earlier than me (probably while I was emailing customer service. Technology really does ruin lives.)


Money was withdrawn Friday.

Spice jars arrived Saturday.

Of course I had to rip open the box (i.e., carefully undo the box and wrapping as it came in super cute tissue paper) to see them, touch them, hold them to the sky ala Lion King while singing in African with Elton John tickling the ivories in the background.

It's kind of funny I even opened them though, because after my brief moment of insanity was over and I had uncrouched from the corner, stroking the jars and whispering "precious", I just put them into the box with the previous 8 and back in storage, where they will wait until after I move. No point in putting them out for a couple of months, right?


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