Garlic and Fruit

You have to REALLLLLLY love garlic to ever need a clove of Elephant Garlic, made even more monstorous by their placement near the tiny onions.

Produce sections actually fascinate me as I love to see rows and rows of fresh produce. I love the colors and (most of) the scents, even the gross fruits and vegetables I would never purchase, like eggplant. Farmers markets are even more enticing to me, I spend way too long walking down the lanes and in and out of each booth.

The most terrifying part is knowing that Summer, aka "the dawn of all good fruit" will soon be upon us. These are the months where I spend way too much money on way too much fruit, and am forced to pawn it off on everyone I know because I will never be able to consume it all but can't help myself when I see a roadside produce stand.

And although I am happy I don't live in Eastern Washington for a rather large variety of reasons most of the year, these are also the months I am SO grateful I don't as me and my intestines would be in so much trouble if I did!


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