It Rains in Seattle?

Qwest Field. 3.25.10 Sounders vs. Philidelphia Union.

It may look a bit overcast in this picture. That does not even begin to explain it. Essentially, there were almost 37,000 of us morons standing around in the pouring rain with the wind gusting off of the water watching two teams slip and slide around the field for 90 minutes. And it was fun.

It was loads of fun, minus the soaked-straight-through-to-your-bones feeling. And the "Okay I might not be able to see the field but at least having these people standing directly in front of me is keeping my nipples from protruding through my bra, two layers of shirts and northface jacket" wind.

I bet none of you can guess who went home and took a 30 minute blistering hot shower, turned on the heater in their room for the first time in a month and wore sweats and a long shirt to bed.

Only 8 more days til the next home game!


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