This is what happens when you forget

So I am three days into my experiment and I already forgot to look for something to take a picture of. Oops. It is much harder than one would think to find something interesting to take a photo of when you literally do the same thing day in and day out.

So today at 9:30pm I snapped a picture of my new scale which I just got tonight. It is only "interesting" (and I'm using that word VERY liberally)because of the problems it gave me. I had a $10 off coupon and Freddies was running a sale on it for $ free scale, yippee!

Not so fast Coupon Jack. Of course as it's Wednesday, they were completely out of the $9.98 sale scales so I could either ask for a rain check or pick up a higher priced scale that was still on sale but no longer free. I went with option 2.

So I go through self checkout and the girl rings my coupons and I'm thinking, that can't be right but she swears she rang them all so I pay and go out to the car where I go back through and see that not only did she not ring in my $10 coupon but she didn't ring up 3 other coupons so back in the store I go where after about 15 minutes at customer service get everything taken care of and my extra $15 in savings (yea for coupons!) back.

Tomorrow my friend Bethany is coming over for dinner so we can finally exchange Christmas presents. Perhaps I will actually remember to take a photo :)


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