Then You've Got to be Crapping Your Pants in Public

Saturday night I attended Shannon's birthday party. After a yummy Spaghetti dinner we settled into the living room and started playing a game her friend had brought.

Basically, a card is drawn with a topic such as things that are embarrassing and then everyone writes down an answer and puts it into a hat. Then you go around the room trying to guess who said what. It was actually a lot of fun.

The best part wasn't so much the answers themselves (even though there were a lot of great answers, like the round where there were not one, not two, but three freight trains) but how people would go around the room asking who said what.

"Are you giving your girlfriend an STD?"

"Are you picking your nose?"

And of course, making the judge of the round repeat the answers every time it was someone new's turn to guess, was awesome. I wondered how many times we could make Nelson say "my dick."

Anyways, happy birthday Shannon! Enjoy that last year of youth!


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