It Wasn't Me.


Linda and I used to send each other random free crap at work. For example, I sent her a poster of Jet Li promoting stop smoking and a free birdwatching kit and she sent me lubricant and a prayer cloth.

Now that she is no longer there, I have started sending random free crap to Shannon. Unfortunately the most awesome thing I have ever sent her has yet to show up so I cannot tell what it is (tear). Last year I sent her a sample of men's deoderant which was pretty awesome as well. It was the most foul smelling deoderant too, so it wasn't even like she could give it to Tim to use, making it even funnier.

Today she sends me this picture on my phone of a sampler pack of men's deoderant sent to her attention at her house. I am fairly certain I didn't send it, but honestly at this point, who knows?


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