The 2010 Project

So here's the deal. While watching Julie and Julia the other day I realized how cool the idea of doing something every day for a year actually is. I have always been a fan of the idea of taking a photo of your family on the same date every year, starting with the couple dating and going through kids, grandkids, bad haircuts, the whole shebang. But as there is a serious shortage of eligible, decent men in the Puget Sound, I am starting my own project.

I am not sure what to call it yet, maybe that will come to me eventually, but for now, it will be referred to as the 2010 Project. It is my plan to take a photo every day and blog it. I can't guarentee I will be able to acomplish this every day through January 3, 2011, but I will try. Hopefully I am at least able to take the photo and post several at once, if need be.

Now, you might be wondering what kind of photo I will be posting. Mind you, I'm not a great photographer, I don't own a high quality camera. I don't actually even know anything about developing pictures other than through my dear friends at Snapfish/Shutterfly. But I have fun and think this could be an interesting piece of memorabillia to keep around, a virtual scrapbook of the year.

The photos will be anything that strikes my fancy. Whether it is a person, place, thing, event, something random or funny I see. I want this to be a collection of everything I pass by in life, and hopefully it forces me to stop and smell the figuartive roses along the way.


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