Narrows Bridge

Yesterday, my oldest sister Reggie and I brought our mom lunch and then had a little family meeting about everything that had gone down this week, what needed to be done going forward and also what was going on with our other sister medically. It was a conversation that needed to happen and luckily there was minimal fighting (most of the yelling was about politics as my dad is one of those pesky Republicans but what can you do?). Hopefully my mom and Kelly listen to what we said and it actually works and helps them out. At this point, none of us are quite sure how to procede, but it definately sucks ass to know we are finally at that point where the kids have to start being the adults (tear).

Afterwards we dropped my car off at Reggie's house and we drove down to her friend Maria's house in Gig Harbor. Now, I know I tend to stay in my little Eastside bubble for the most part, so haven't been to Gig Harbor in years but HOLY CRAP that's far! Plus it was rainy out and dark...I felt like we were never going to get there and once we did, we were gonna have to set up a tent and make s'mores. Maria was hosting a Southern Living party, sort of along the lines of Partylite or Pampered Chef, but with horribly overpriced household accessories. I usually order something from those parties just because I feel bad and want my friends to get the hostess benefits, but generally I think they are terrible and try to find a way out of going. I got "lucky" though because Reggie decided to host one in March so I have a little over a month before I have to pay a lot of money for something I don't need.


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