3 Pictures All For One, Low Blog! Call Now!!!

So I've been slacking this weekend and haven't bothered to post Friday or Saturday, BUT I was able to take photos so can post them all now. Lucky you readers! Just joking, but as I am not feeling very good today (If I get strep I'm hunting Adrianne down and kicking her ass) you are lucky as there isn't much to be said about them.

Friday's Garbage Can. I think this was actually meant to be a recycling can but it still made me laugh to see a No Garbage sign on a garbage dumpster.

I took this photo from my deck Saturday night while avoiding getting ready for the work holiday party. Sometimes I love the view from my deck, especially when the sky looks like that over the trees.

This is what happens when you make banana bread with the only kind of egg you have on hand, a hard boiled one. haha. I had boiled the last two eggs for salads and started making banana bread without even thinking about needing eggs. As soon as I got to the part of the recipe that said "1 egg", I looked at the eggs still sitting in cold water in the pan in the sink. I looked around to make sure noone were there to judge (post judgement via blog means nothing to me, judgement while i'm mashing up the hard boiled egg into the batter is another) and tossed it in! Still haven't tasted it but it will definately be a good story for years to come, especially if it actually works!


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