How Many Beeps Til I Blow My Brains Out?

This lovely contraption is...well I honestly have no idea what it is. What I do know is that it sits just a couple of feet from my front door and although usually unobtrusive and quiet, has decided to go through what I'm calling it's Lindsay Lohan phase and freak the fuck out.

I came home for lunch on Monday and noticed the yellow light was flashing and it was making this horrible beeping noise every couple of seconds. I saw that the light indicated "system trouble" but figured maintainence would come by and see and fix it, or at least, someone who actually owned a condo in this building would have a number and call someone to take care of it so I went back to work without a second thought.

This is why it doesn't pay to be lazy.

I got home that night to a pitch black building and carport. I made the mistake of not getting my house key ready so go to the door and spent several minutes trying to figure out how to open my own front door! And the beeping noise continued! It was so loud it could be heard over the television and random, ambient noise in the living room. As I had the headache from hell, I was less than amused.

Luckily I took a vicodin for my headache so passed out in a drug filled stupor and wasn't aware of any beeping during the night. But this morning I woke up and there it was again, beep beep beep, like a friggin special eds kid with a stutter. As I left, I turned and saw (as it was light out I could see again, thank you, Sun) the company name on it.

After getting to work i called the company and told them to come fix it. Really, you would think they could come and fix it within the 9 hours I was at work but sadly, that is asking too much. Darkness welcomed me home yet again. But within an hour they had a generator going, turning on the lights and stopping the beeping FINALLY, with the exception of 20 minutes where it wasn't beep beep beeping but beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping. However now there is the God awful sound of a generator running which they ever so nicely placed on the side of the building right next to my bedroom. Awesome.


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