Getting Old Means Free Stuff!

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday Cause I'm Awesome, Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeee!

So yesterday was my birthday, in case that lovely diddy didn't give it away. I was going to post a picture of the State Radio concert I attended at the Showbox last night however I completely forgot my camera. I did take a couple of crappy pictures from my phone and have uploaded them to my pix folder online, and they say you can dl the pic straight to your blogger account but it didn't work for me last night and so I have given up for now. Perhaps when I figure it out I'll put them up.

Anyways. So I had a great birthday. I got a free bagel for breakfast (thanks to Carrie and "Donut Day" at work) and then for lunch, Carrie, Amanda and I went back to our old stompin grounds to get Wibbleys and tiny tacos from the tiny taco place. The tiny tacos were not very good though, they added some weird sauce and the yummy onion they give you is now like a pearl onion so not the best bday lunch but we still had fun. Or I should say I had fun, they might have thought "man this lunchtime is crap, I can't believe I just wasted my precious hour schlepping this old fogey back to Bellevue." But to be perfectly honest, I don't really care :)

After we ate we went back to Wibbleys where Carrie BEGGED me for my free birthday shake and while they were making those, walked to Baskin Robbins where I got my free birthday scoop. Carrie was so full from lunch she ended up drinking like 1/3 of her shake before giving it to her dad. I told her it was a good thing I had a birthday so they had dessert! I also realized I have gone to Wibbleys for lunch on my birthday every year since I started working there except the one year it was on a Saturday.

Anyways, once I got back to the office I started printing out my free birthday coupons from my email. I racked up the following:

1. Free birthday burger from Red Robin
2. Free drink at Starbucks
3. Free slice of chocolate cake at Macaroni Grill
4. $10 off my meal at Z'Tejas
5. Free Appetizer at Dukes (I think that is what it is, I can't really remember off the top of my head)

Combine that with my free shake and free scoop and I amassed a lot of free food over the next month, all for being born. Go me!


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