
Okay, here's the deal.

I'm from Seattle originally. I love it here. On sunny days, I am utterly convinced that there isn't a more beautiful place in the world than the Puget Sound, and I'm perfectly content to take the days and days of rain necessary to achieve those natural aesthetics. Most of the time.

Truth be told, I actually kind of love the rain. I love the smell of it. I love the energy of a big storm before it rolls in. I really enjoy the sound of rain as it falls on the roof and deck. I'm known to open the door and windows a crack to be able to hear it. And it lulls me to sleep to listen to rain trickling down. The rain doesn't prevent me from doing anything I want to do. Honestly, if I waited until the rain stopped to do something, it would never get done. And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with all of that. Most of the time.

Some of the time, though... Some of the time I hate the rain. I hate driving in it, but really that's less about me or the rain and more about the dumbasses around me who apparently are confused. Most of them have recently transplanted from places like California where they get sunshine. We don't like them. I hate that I can look at the window at 8am, 11am, 3pm and 8pm and find that the sky is the same shade of gray and the only distinguishing features are the cloud formations as they roll by. I hate stepping in a giant puddle, soaking my pants leg and then having to spend the next few hours squishing around in a wet shoe like some sort of runaway from a bladder control study. My plight made even more evident by my wet butt after I forget (and I always forget) and curl my leg up under me before sitting down. But what I really hate about the rain?

The fact that I have absolutely no desire to go to the Sounders game tomorrow because of it. They have ruined the one thing that I truely love. After standing in the pouring rain last Thursday, 5 ROWS from under cover, wind whipping, water dripping off the bill of my cap, soaking me through to the bone, I just can't get behind the idea of standing there again tomorrow and experiencing the same misery. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Well, I'm going to go the game. And I'm sure I will have fun as I always do. But the fun will be dampened (no pun intended) by the friggin rain. Which I think I kind of hate. But just some of the time.


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