
Showing posts from October, 2007

Just Because I Love Him.


My Crack Addict Friends

Jamie No Booth says: i need entertainment Jamie No Booth says: i'm dying from boredom here kristalou *komen says: what up sista? kristalou *komen says: i didn't know boredom was fatal Jamie No Booth says: it so is Jamie No Booth says: first it makes you do actual work Jamie No Booth says: and then you go crazy and die kristalou *komen says: so you are telling me this involves a process. . . Jamie No Booth says: yep Jamie No Booth says: its a three step process kristalou *komen says: good to know. Jamie No Booth says: yep Jamie No Booth says: look for the warning signs kristalou *komen says: 1. . .2. . .3. . .dead Jamie No Booth says: pretty much kristalou *komen says: warning signs? Jamie No Booth says: yep Jamie No Booth says: antsiness Jamie No Booth says: sleepiness Jamie No Booth says: excessive swivling in swivel chair Jamie No Booth says: trying to make a non swivel chair swivel kristalou *komen says: not sure what to say to that. . . Jamie No Booth says: making a hallowe

I win this round old woman!

I have the best mother in the world. She has always been there for me, supporting me and my ideals even when they conflicted with her own. Part of her awesomness stems from her always supporting my selfishness. She believes it would be wrong for me to get married and have kids now as she realizes I aspire for more than that in my life. So there has always been the encouragement to go and travel, continue my edumacation, buy lots of shoes and spend all my money on me (so long as I occassionally purchase a pressie for her). Part of her acceptance has to do with the fact that she has kids that are already married and provided her 5 grandchildren so that wish has been fulfilled. Apparently those nag-free days are over. Saturday morning I get a call from my mother but I couldn't reach my phone in time so she left a message. (That's what she gets for calling at 8:58 am). I check my voicemail and hear my cute grandma-esque mother say the following: "So I'm looking at this cat

Luckily Today Was a Pube-Free Day

Yesterday at work I was sitting at my desk, working uber hard, as always, when Linda came up to me with a bit of a shocked look on her face. Leaning over she semi-wispered "there are pubes in the women's bathroom". I looked up from my computer screen that had nothing but work related documents and web pages on it, cocked my head and said "huh?" (as noone really ever expects their coworker to say the sentence "there are pubes in the women's bathroom" so it's a bit shocking when they do) and she said a little louder "there are pubes in the women's bathroom, like a pile". So what does one say when there are pubes in the bathroom? Of course I responded with "How exactly is there a pile of pubes in the bathroom?". She said she didn't know but held up her hands and made circle to indicate the size of the pile o pubes. It was large. Too large to just be a stray pube mistakenly pulled out by undies. Soon word spread,

Greg and Leisel

Jamie: did something happen this morning before i got in? Adrianne: since i don't know what you mean....I have no idea Adrianne: what are you talking about Jamie: everyone is in a bad mood and it's uber quiet in here Adrianne: oh....yeah it is quiet... Jamie: so i was just wondering if perhaps there was a WWE smackdown this morning before i got in Adrianne: I don't know is Linda in a bad mood? Jamie: i think so, she's not talking Jamie: but i can't handle the quiet Adrianne: I like quiet Jamie: that's just wrong Jamie: only mime's like quiet Adrianne: lol Adrianne: I like quiet it helps me focus and work Adrianne: silly Adrianne: When it's to loud I can't hear the voices in my head...I mean my own thoughts Adrianne: hahahhaa Jamie: the voices are my only entertainment today Adrianne: awww....sad Adrianne: I'm sure Linda will get out of her funk Adrianne: she's probably just flippin tired and cranky from working two jobs Jamie: no reason to ta