This Does Not Bode Well For My Future

Yep. I'm definitely getting stupider.

Example #1: A few weekends ago I somehow got shampoo up my nose while showering. The following day I got toothpaste up the other nostril.

Example #2: I recently gave myself a heart attack when I stepped on a piece of bubble wrap.

Example #3: While getting gas the other day I committed the following infractions:
* Parked too far back so moved car forward
* Moving car forward resulted in my parking rightnext to the pole so I couldn't open my door
* Moved car back and got out
* Realized that gas tank is on the other side of my car (this is not a new or borrowed car, mind you)
* Moved to other gas pump
* Got out and realized I had parked too far forward
* Had to hold gas pump tight so it would fit because I WAS NOT moving my car again!
* Pushed "no" when asked if I wanted a receipt, forgetting that I have been trying to keep track of what all I spend my money on
* Finish pumping gas and go to building to ask for a receipt
* Walk around the entire building and don't see an entrance
* Realize it's one of those where you pass your money and stuff through the drawer.
* Feel too stupid to actually speak to the lady now that she's seen me do a partial Chinese Fire Drill around her place of employment so get in my car and drive home.
* Get home and put on pajamas, only then to realize I had gone out in a black bra and white shirt.
* It is not 1989. That look is not cool.

Example #4: For the second time in as many months I have taken the Comcast remote with me to work. This time though, I also took the actual tv remote with me. And a book. Even though I had a lunch meeting and would have no time to read or watch television. On my tv. At home.

(P.S. Comcast should really look into increasing the radius of it's remotes. It would be hilarious to be able to turn the tv off and on and switch channels from work while your roommate sits on the couch at home.)


ComcastCares1 said…
Hahaha! I just hope that you won’t bring in the cable box with you one day! I think the remote got closer to our signal tower when you brought it to your workplace. This is the reason why I found your blog! :)

Anyway, I am here to help if you need help with your Comcast service.

Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations
Anonymous said…
That is hilarious that Comcast commented on your blog post. You are having more "senior moments" as time goes on. I will have to watch out for you. :)

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