Sun, Sun Come Out and Play

I love getting free products in the mail! It's like Christmas in May!

Today I got my full-sized new Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Cream Lotion, along with some samples and coupons. It's from this great site called and sorry boys, it's only for women. (Even though I feel the name of the site should have indicated that, it's never safe to assume people aren't idiots.)

You just register with the site, fill out a survey about your life, personality, likes/dislikes etc and they randomly send you offers about programs you can participate in. Once selected for a particular program they send you the item for free and you try it out. After you have formed an opinion about it, you log back on and fill out a survey about your findings. You can also talk about the product with other users, take polls etc.

Super easy for free stuff!

Now, if only the weather would cooperate so I can go out to the pool and actually TRY the lotion!!!


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