Stupid is Pizza and Breadsticks

Sometimes I feel like a ruh-tard. And, let's be honest, I'm not applying for Mensa anytime soon. And then there are those times where I wonder how the rest of the world got so stupid (I have this theory that involves a combination of the water supply, inbreeding and prolonged exposure to The Kardashians).

Case in point: Digiorno Pizza and Breadsticks. I only bought it because I had a coupon that was expiring ($2 for pizza and breadsticks, hooray!) and I have to say it was decent for $2 but I don't think I would ever pay full price for it.

Anyway, the pizza cooks for 20 minutes, the breadsticks for 14. Apparently, people dumber than the girl who answered the work phone "Tequilla!" because she was listening to the song can't quite figure out how to cook them so both are ready at the same time. Luckily, the people at Digiorno were nice enough to put instructions for them.

"To enjoy the breadsticks with the pizza at the same time, bake pizza for 6 minutes before placing breadsticks in the oven."

Oh, good thing they put that on the box, I never would have figured it out myself!


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