I forgot to post a title

For Earth Day, our office had a fun committee event. Honestly I don't even remember what it was or what we did, but I do know that it was my job to go to Whole Foods and pick up food and prizes for the winners of what was obviously the most exciting and fantabulous event EVER.

One of the events we had planned involved getting soil and seeds and having everyone plant the seeds into these small biodegradable pots and have some kind of growing competition. It would have been a great idea had I remembered to pick up soil or seeds. (Don't judge me, I've already explained I'm getting stupider.)

One of the prizes I had gotten was this Earth-friendly puzzle that was made with biodegradable pieces imbedded with wildflower seeds. After the initial event (where I had forgotten to give someone the puzzle.) (Do you see a theme?) I placed the puzzle in the kitchen and set out an email asking everyone to put it together whenever they had a break and afterwards we could use the plant the seeds. (See how I made epic fail into a giant, Earth-friendly success? There is hope for me afterall!)

So here we are, just a week after Earth Day and the office has completed the puzzle, yea! It was way harder than any of us originally thought as it turned out the picture of the eagle was made up of tiny pictures of various cans. I don't think I need to stare at tiny Budweiser cans ever again.


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