Happy Cinco de Mayo!

During our staff meeting last month, I mentioned we would be having our annual company 'salsa off' on Cinco de Mayo and that there would be games. One of the older, well-educated gentlemen we work with asked how many of us knew the real history of Cinco de Mayo and why we celebrated it. As history is his forte, he proceded to tell us a condensed version of the Battle of Pueblo, down to what the soldiers were paid to help Mexico defeat the French.

After he finished the lesson, one of the other older, well-educated (well-meaning) coworkers looks at him and goes "That really happened? It's verifiable?" Nope. He just made a major battle up for the heck of it.

I guess it's funnier if you were there, or knew them, but trust me, it was pretty funny.

Earlier this week, I sent out a reminder email about our celebration and got an email back from Carrie, who works from home on Wednesdays and would be missing the festivities this year. "Really we should celebrate Cinco de Quatro." Um. Sure, I'm all for celebrating the fifth of fourth as long as there's tequilla!

Pass the fifth.


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