My Crack Addict Friends

Jamie No Booth says:
i need entertainment
Jamie No Booth says:
i'm dying from boredom here
kristalou *komen says:
what up sista?
kristalou *komen says:
i didn't know boredom was fatal
Jamie No Booth says:
it so is
Jamie No Booth says:
first it makes you do actual work
Jamie No Booth says:
and then you go crazy and die
kristalou *komen says:
so you are telling me this involves a process. . .
Jamie No Booth says:
Jamie No Booth says:
its a three step process
kristalou *komen says:
good to know.
Jamie No Booth says:
Jamie No Booth says:
look for the warning signs
kristalou *komen says:
1. . .2. . .3. . .dead
Jamie No Booth says:
pretty much
kristalou *komen says:
warning signs?
Jamie No Booth says:
Jamie No Booth says:
Jamie No Booth says:
Jamie No Booth says:
excessive swivling in swivel chair
Jamie No Booth says:
trying to make a non swivel chair swivel
kristalou *komen says:
not sure what to say to that. . .
Jamie No Booth says:
making a halloween black and orange paper ring chain
kristalou *komen says:
thought you were smarter than that
Jamie No Booth says:
than what?
kristalou *komen says:
trying to move a non-swivel chair. . .keep up.
kristalou *komen says:
carving a pumpkin?
Jamie No Booth says:
oh no i'm just saying you get so bored you try to make it happen ayways
kristalou *komen says:
eating candy corn?
kristalou *komen says:
picking your nose?
kristalou *komen says:
picking your ass?
Jamie No Booth says:
discussing 7-11 heating lamps with the manager
Jamie No Booth says:
kristalou *komen says:
mug futz.
kristalou *komen says:
titty damn it.
kristalou *komen says:
lestinky poopy
kristalou *komen says:
grab an ass
kristalou *komen says:
kristalou *komen says:
flatulance is cool
Jamie No Booth says:
wow, turrets striking wisconsin lately?
kristalou *komen says:
shut the f up.
kristalou *komen says:
damn it my shit does stink. . .
kristalou *komen says:
oh, i met a fella.
kristalou *komen says:
do you wipe your ass.
kristalou *komen says:
we talked on the phone. . .i think he is from ireland
kristalou *komen says:
are you going to trivia tonight?
kristalou *komen says:
don't be a slut this week.
kristalou *komen says:
kristalou *komen says:
where are you bitch?
kristalou *komen says:
i thought you were bored
kristalou *komen says:
not enough boredom in washington i guess.
kristalou *komen says:
don't tell me i've offended you.
kristalou *komen says:
get your butt back on the board
kristalou *komen says:
where are you
kristalou *komen says:
you are super slow
kristalou *komen says:
come on now
kristalou *komen says:
slow poke.
kristalou *komen says:
too busy making little paper chains?
kristalou *komen says:
geez i wish i could get paid to make paper decorations
kristalou *komen says:
wow, you are really struggling.
kristalou *komen says:
do you need an intervention or something?
kristalou *komen says:
come on . . . .taking a dump?
kristalou *komen says:
dropping little milk duds off at the pool?
Jamie No Booth says:
linda and i think you have been snorting too much coke
kristalou *komen says:
well, its about time
kristalou *komen says:
coke? how about sniffing some poop stank gas?
Jamie No Booth says:
from the cows?
kristalou *komen says:
mmm mmm smelly good.
kristalou *komen says:
do you think this is krista?
Jamie No Booth says:
kristalou *komen says:
Jamie No Booth says:
but it's cracking me up
kristalou *komen says:
glad we could be entertaining.
Jamie No Booth says:
and brought me back from the brink of boredom death


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