Luckily Today Was a Pube-Free Day

Yesterday at work I was sitting at my desk, working uber hard, as always, when Linda came up to me with a bit of a shocked look on her face. Leaning over she semi-wispered "there are pubes in the women's bathroom". I looked up from my computer screen that had nothing but work related documents and web pages on it, cocked my head and said "huh?" (as noone really ever expects their coworker to say the sentence "there are pubes in the women's bathroom" so it's a bit shocking when they do) and she said a little louder "there are pubes in the women's bathroom, like a pile". So what does one say when there are pubes in the bathroom? Of course I responded with "How exactly is there a pile of pubes in the bathroom?". She said she didn't know but held up her hands and made circle to indicate the size of the pile o pubes. It was large. Too large to just be a stray pube mistakenly pulled out by undies. Soon word spread, and as the giggling and whispers swept through the office we all wanted to know a couple of things:

1. Who would do something like that? And then not even clean it up?
2. Exactly HOW did they get there?

The best part was when I told Jeff I needed him to come kill a spider in the bathroom for me. He came over and I opened the door for him. He scanned the ceiling and I said no, it's on the floor. Looking down he sort of jumped and walked out without turning around. He walked by shaking his head and muttering, "I could have gone my whole life without seeing that". Later, when he was talking to me again, I apologized and he said "I see it everytime I close my eyes!!!" I laughed all the way to my desk.

So the consensus is that someone gave themselves a Brazillian sometime between 12 and 12:30 yesterday afternoon OR the new theory is that someone in our office has cancer, is going through chemo and their pubes are falling out so they were unaware that a giant clump landed on the floor, scarring the female population of our office forever.

I prefer #2.


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