I win this round old woman!

I have the best mother in the world.

She has always been there for me, supporting me and my ideals even when they conflicted with her own. Part of her awesomness stems from her always supporting my selfishness. She believes it would be wrong for me to get married and have kids now as she realizes I aspire for more than that in my life. So there has always been the encouragement to go and travel, continue my edumacation, buy lots of shoes and spend all my money on me (so long as I occassionally purchase a pressie for her). Part of her acceptance has to do with the fact that she has kids that are already married and provided her 5 grandchildren so that wish has been fulfilled. Apparently those nag-free days are over.

Saturday morning I get a call from my mother but I couldn't reach my phone in time so she left a message. (That's what she gets for calling at 8:58 am). I check my voicemail and hear my cute grandma-esque mother say the following:

"So I'm looking at this catalogue and there are these really cute stuffed animals in here that I'm thinking about getting for the grandkids. Oh that's right, all my grandkids are too old for stuffed animals! I need a new cute grandbaby to buy stuffed animals for and I guess its up to you. So get on that already will you? Thanks, love you."

WTF, mate?

I call her back promptly and am like "you did not just leave that message on my phone?" and she plays all innocent and says "what? they were cute!"...I again say "you did not just leave that message on my phone!". She launches into this thing about how babies are cute and I need one soon before she gets too old. I try another approach. "Mom, I'm not even married yet!". Quick on the draw she responds with "Oh LOTS of girls have babies without being married!" So I try the approach "I can't afford ME let alone a baby!". Again she has a ready made response. "oh you can never afford a baby, even when you think you can, you realize a few months in that you are in way over your head. But its totally worth it!" I can see I'm not winning this argument however as its my uterus I have final say on whether demon spawn gets implanted and cultivated there so maybe I do win. Maybe I do.


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