Greg and Leisel

Jamie: did something happen this morning before i got in?
Adrianne: since i don't know what you mean....I have no idea
Adrianne: what are you talking about
Jamie: everyone is in a bad mood and it's uber quiet in here
Adrianne: oh....yeah it is quiet...
Jamie: so i was just wondering if perhaps there was a WWE smackdown this morning before i got in
Adrianne: I don't know is Linda in a bad mood?
Jamie: i think so, she's not talking
Jamie: but i can't handle the quiet
Adrianne: I like quiet
Jamie: that's just wrong
Jamie: only mime's like quiet
Adrianne: lol
Adrianne: I like quiet it helps me focus and work
Adrianne: silly
Adrianne: When it's to loud I can't hear the voices in my head...I mean my own thoughts
Adrianne: hahahhaa
Jamie: the voices are my only entertainment today
Adrianne: awww....sad
Adrianne: I'm sure Linda will get out of her funk
Adrianne: she's probably just flippin tired and cranky from working two jobs
Jamie: no reason to take it out on poor innocent jamie and make her spend the day talking with greg and leisel
Adrianne: who?
Jamie: the voices
Jamie: greg and leisel
Adrianne: oh yours have names?
Adrianne: hahaha
Jamie: well duh
Jamie: i can't debate the impact civil wars in 3rd world countries have on the space time continum with unnamed voices
Jamie: thats just silly
Adrianne: lol


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