Orange Puffy Guy: The man, the legend.
One day, Orange Puffy Guy was watching the telly. Nothing interesting was on.
So he started drinking. Some of his friends, such as Yellow Fuzzy Guy and Pink Shiny Gal, worry about his drinking but he swears he can handle it...
After a few drinks he sadly started drunk dialing. None of his friends found Orange Puffy Guy's antics to be amusing so they all hung up on him. This did not deter him. He just decided to get ready and go out alone. He was sure he would meet cool new people.
Unfortunately, in his drunken state he forgot he was Orange Puffy GUY and put on some makeup.
And tried on some of his mother's heels....
Luckily, his mother saw him before he made it out of the house and made him wash his orange face and wear his own shoes. Good thing too because later that evening he ran into a gang of Wild Ninjas that were kick ass. They surely would have brought the pain if he had still been in drag. But because he was Orange and Puffy they allowed him to hang with their totally sweet selves. The End.
