Ninjas are so sweet I want to crap my pants.

Adrianne: where did jamie go
Adrianne: i answer...
Linda: i dunno maybe
Adrianne: she was eaten up by a ninja?
Linda: that's a good guess
Adrianne: sadness...should we have a ninja funeral?
Linda: we so should
Linda: we should find the ninjas who did this and avenge her
Adrianne: hmmm..but first we have to find her body.....
Adrianne: Oh yeah...
Linda: you don't need a body for a funeral
Adrianne: oh that's true...
Adrianne: but what if we wanted to send her off in the water like vikings?
Linda: do ninjas do that?
Adrianne: I don't know
Adrianne: maybe
Adrianne: when we tie up the other ninja's we can ask them
Linda: good plan
Linda: now other people are wondering where she is
Adrianne: I know
Adrianne: wait wiat
Adrianne: wait
Adrianne: I hear her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda: where is she?
Adrianne: in the production room now
Linda: what have they done to her?
Adrianne: lol
Adrianne: nothing....she must have ran away
Linda: hmmm, or they let her go since she swore to secrecy

Moments after this conversation is sent to me....

Jamie : awwww it's sweet you guys are going to avenge my death
Adrianne: lol
Jamie: and of course, if i get killed by ninjas i want a viking funeral
Jamie: and i want you all to stand on the shore holding candles and singing "tragedy" by the bee gees
Adrianne: That's what i thought
Jamie: it's good to know my dead self is in good hands
Adrianne: yep


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