Old Age Has Brought Wisdom

So I've come to realize two things this week...well actually three but one was sort of a given and isn't anything new...

#1: Epiphany: An easy lay outweighs logic every time.
Sub-epiphany: Boys are stupid.
Action: There really isn't any besides becoming a lesbian and that's just gross and so not going to happen.

#2: Epiphany: I'm too nice.
Sub-epiphany: It's tiring being "sweet".
Corrective action: Go back to bitchy Jamie-ness. Man I miss bitchy Jamie, she was just so funny! And those of you reading this obviously must be my friends so therefore you are on the good (read: lucky) side of of me, so you all can enjoy the funniness of bitchy Jamie from the safety of the "inner circle". It might take me awhile to get the groove back but I'm sure in no time at all I will be back to calling people pretending to be from the sperm bank and letting them know they are infertile and staring at them like they are morons for no reason at all.

#3: Epiphany: I gossip.
Sub-epiphany: Too much.
Action: Stop gossiping. Which sadly means new bitchy jamie is going to be boring and not very talkative. Sorry.


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