Not Even George's Phlem Will Be Swallowed

Being sick sucks. Especially when it's nice outside and you want to walk down to the water and get some friggin frozen yogurt. But noooooooooooo, you have to get a sinus infection that brings new symptoms every single frigging day. There are the constants of course...congestions, sneezing, coughing, painful headache...but then there are the great new experiences, like vomiting on your own phlem. Although I would rather vomit on my own phlem than anyone elses cause I would be disturbed by that, 1 cause it is someone elses phlem but also because i am completely unaware as to how I would ever swallow a gallon of someone elses phlem, even my imaginary pool boy Giovanni's. On second thought though, I just sort of assume all pool boys are gay so i think the chances of me or any other woman swallowing G's phlem are very slim. So now I get to take wannabe penicillian 3 times a day for the next 10 days but "probably won't feel better until Monday" so will be spending all weekend attempting to do things but then wearing myself and taking 30 naps a day. And for someone who never takes naps (but always wants to at 2:45pm), that is a sucky weekend. I hope it rains.


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