Do I look like a whore in distress?

Last weekend, pre-antibiotics, I went to the store to buy some Emergen-c. Really I feel that pharmacies should make it easier to find cold medicine because when you are sick its damn near impossible to actually figure out what is where and which is better. "Okay, so this one works for coughs, congestion and headaches but this one includes stuff for itchy throat but doesn't have the stuff for headaches. If I take this one for earaches it will interfere with this one that i would have to take for stomach aches." Just too confusing. So anyways after wandering around for a few minutes I decided to just go and ask the pharmacist for the over-the-counter "herbal supplement with 1,000 mg of vitamin c and 32 other essential minerals to provide energy." The pharmacist was helpful and said that they do carry it and grabbed a box from behind the counter. He rang it up and it was amazingly expensive (normally about $15 for a box of 38 packets), all of which seemed very weird but as I wasn't feel super fantastic was like whatever and just paid and left the store. As I got to my car, however, I realized he hadn't asked which flavor i wanted and as I don't like some of the flavors, was like that was rude. So I look in the bag and he had in fact given me a box including Emergency, the morning after pill!!! I walked back in and was like "I didn't have unprotected sex last night, I meant emergen-c, like vitamin c." He stared at the bag, then back to my face (clammy, pale, no makeup, hair pulled back into a pony tail) and started laughing. Normally they don't do returns for that but as it really wasn't what I wanted and I had literally bought it 2 minutes prior, he took it back and told me where the stuff was I was looking for. So that has kept me awake-ish all week so I could at least make it through most of the week at work, at least until I was ordered to see the doctor by my manager and got my happy pills (suprisingly not pain meds, even though i was offered those) and am starting to perk up even more. Part of it also had to be that the week from hell is over at least work wise. There is a very weird vibe going on in there, added to being treated even worse by a co-worker who already hated me. It's amazing his disdain for me, especially since we never associate. I can't actually figure out why anyone wouldn't like me. As opposed to bitchy-jamie that i'm trying to bring back, now-jamie is nice and smart (but not too smart) and freakin HILARIOUS and did i mention nice? I haven't really done or said anything mean to or about anyone today. I'm a freakin gem! A GEM!!!!!! Whatever, his loss right? He can be part of the minority of assholes with bad taste. And the funniest thing is I wouldn't really even pay any attention to him or his poor judgement of not liking me if it made sense. If i had said something or done something or we had just had completely opposite views on everything and fought all the time but we don't. We don't talk. I haven't said anything about him. I don't know him. So frustrating, I hate not knowing stuff!

Ooh but bright spot. Saw Waitress last night, cute movie, didn't think it was "wonderful" like some people but it was decent with some funny parts. But after the movie came dinner at the cheesecake factory. Didn't really eat any of it but as it is law, I bought a slice of cheesecake to bring home. It was AWESOME! I totally have a new favorite now! So next time you party it up at the factory, try the Chocolate Coconut Cheesecake, trust me!


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